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Local authorities celebrate ‘Your Council Day’

The vital work of Local Authority employees and the role they are playing in our social and economic life is being highlighted for this year’s ‘Your Council Day’, which takes place today, Friday 23rd June.

Coordinated by the LGMA, #YourCouncilDay runs across social media where all 31 local authorities are joining in to let you know about the 1,000+ services they provide and championing local authority employees who are working to make a difference to the lives of the people in their community.

Local authorities carry out a broad range of activities that make a significant contribution to the physical, cultural, social and environmental development of their communities. Whether its business supports through the LEOs, enterprise centres and economic development plans, or climate action, community supports and tourism development, your Council is working for everyone.

Local authorities will join together in providing a ‘behind the scenes’ look at a typical day in the council to show the public the range of work and the variety of services their council provides to them.

Social media users throughout the community are asked to post their experiences of council initiatives using the hashtag #YourCouncilDay / #DoLásaChomhairle